Intelliquilter - Machine Quilting Academy

IQ Summit - Machine Quilting Academy 

IQ Summit has been transitioned to a NEW platform. Replays for subscribers are still available here but have also been transferred to the new platform. If you have registered here you have been transitioned to this new address:
Please check your spam folder if you have not activated your new account.

An ongoing training academy to inspire and educate all Intelliquilter owners on any machine.

Top Reasons To Attend

The Intelliquilter -Machine Quilting Academy Summit

FLEXIBLE: Your Time, Your Agenda
FREE & PREMIUM: Your Choice, Your Budget
What we promise

Learn from amazing companies like these

It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with

Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don't need or Facebook live where the quality of the live feed can be frustrating, the NEW IQ Machine Quilting Academy Summit is delivered entirely online all in one place. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your business, or catch them all. It’s up to you!

View the schedule
Design Challenge using modify edit tools only

27 June 2021, 12:30 AM

12. 10 min tute - No sew zone in block larger than throat space

12 May 2021, 12:30 AM

Not just for Quilts!

14 November 2020, 10:30 PM

IQ Basics & pantos

01 February 2020, 10:30 PM


With 5 experts, the tactics you need are just a click away

Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. If you’re focused on launching or growing your quilting skills and business we've got you covered.

Meet the speakers

Follow your favourite topics for exclusive content and offers

Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice and exclusive offers. Talks will be added on an ongoing basis and we welcome suggestions for future topics!

Check out the Categories
10 Minute Tutes
Design classes
Intelliquilter knowledge
Interviews with our experts
Intelliquilter toolbox

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Here's What Others Are Saying

  • Tracey, I am thoroughly enjoying the Machine Quilting Academy Summit and am so glad I signed up for All Access Pass. I can tell this is going to be...

    Lissa Hevrdeys
    Lissa Hevrdeys

    Quilter extraordinaire

  • I have the all access pass and will be re-watching all the videos and downloading [free or paid] all written documents for each class. I have so much to...

    Mindy Roeske
    Mindy Roeske

    Quilter extraordinaire

  • Loved the class and looking forward to more. Thank you for creating this opportunity to learn more about my IQ.

    Stella Linder
    Stella Linder

    Quilter extraordinaire

  • Thank you for another great class. You are expanding my horizons. Mary Jo , North Carolina USA

    Mary Jo Leonard
    Mary Jo Leonard

    Quilter extraordinaire