Intelliquilter Toolbox - Fabricating Feathers with Geometric Catalog
A Class by Tonia Brooks (Brookston Designs)
About this Class
Learn to Create new feather types using Intelliquilter geometric catalog. This lesson with help you understand how feathers interlock whilst creating new lacy designs.
Tonia has prepared notes to accompany this class that you can purchase, print & work along with. These are available just before the class will go live from here: https://brookstondesigns.com/product/intelliquilter-feather-fabrication/
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Extensive class notes are an optional purchase to follow along with the class. Tonia is continuing to create and offer these especially for YOU!
Ticket required
Extensive class notes are an optional purchase to follow along with the class. Tonia is continuing to create and offer these especially for YOU!
Ticket required